Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Get the Point?

Things have been QUITE busy since September!

In that time (until now) I have completed the McMaster University post-graduate course for Contemporary Acupuncture (Neurofunctional Acupuncture).

So, this adds yet another exciting a valuable avenue as part of your treatment plan.

What is Contemporary Acupuncture?  Find out more here.

Friday, September 16, 2011

In the news!

Two new and interesting stories in the news today....

The first is about a McMaster University study on the effects of exercise and aging.  It seems that endurance exercise (aerobic) may help fight and even reverse the signs of aging.

Anti-Aging Exercise

The second is about a new "Nutrient Rating" system that will be implemented in Canada soon.  It will be a star rating; three stars for a healthy option and down to zero stars for the opposite end.  The bonus about this system will be that the manufacturers will have no way to influence their rating.  Unlike, for example, the Heart and Stroke "Health Check" program.

Nutrient Rating System

Stay healthy!

Monday, August 29, 2011

"The Last Heart Attack"

CNN aired a program last night regarding heart attacks and how to prevent them.

It even features President Bill Clinton and his struggles with heart health.

If a heart attack is something that concerns you or someone you know, take an hour to watch this...

"The Last Heart Attack"

scroll down the link to see the video.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hydrate, you coconut!

Are you enjoying this stretch of heat we've been having?  Or maybe not!

At any rate, I hope you're hydrating.  There are some very good options for this out there...
I try to opt for the most natural choices.  My first choice overall, when working up a good sweat is coconut water.  And why would that be?  Well, here is a breakdown of the advantages of this tasty drink (from the "Nutrition and You" site)...

  • Coconut water is a very refreshing drink to beat tropical summer thirst. The juice is packed with simple sugar, electrolytes, and minerals to replenish hydration levels in the body.

  • Research studies suggest that cytokinins (e.g., kinetin and trans-zeatin) in coconut water showed significant anti-ageing, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-thrombotic effects.

  • Coconut water has been generally offered to patients with diarrhea in many tropic regions to replace fluid loss from the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the need for intravenous therapy. The osmolarity of tender coconut water is slightly greater than that of WHO recommended ORS (Oral Rehydration Therapy) osmolarity. Presence of other biological constituents like amino acids, enzymes, minerals, and fatty acids may account for this higher osmolarity. However, unlike WHO-ORS, its water is very low in sodium and chlorides, but rich in sugars and amino acids. This well-balanced fluid composition with much needed calories would be an ideal drink than any other brand of soft drink beverages in dehydration conditions.

  • Ctoconu water is composed of many naturally occurring bioactive enzymes such as acid phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, peroxidase, RNA polymerases etc. Altogether, these enzymes aid in digestion and metabolism.

  • Despite very light consistency, its water has much better composition of minerals like calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, and zinc than some of fruits like oranges. (Compare mineral composition of oranges).

  • Its water is also a very good source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pyridoxine, and folates. These vitamins are essential in the sense that body requires them from external sources to replenish.

  • Coconut water contains a very good amount of electrolyte potassium. 100 ml of water has 250 mg of potassium and 105 mg of sodium. Together these electrolytes help replenish electrolytes deficiency in the body due to diarroea (loose stools).

  • Fresh coco-nut water also has small amount of vitamin-C (ascorbic acid); provides about 2.4 mcg or 4% of RDA. Vitamin C is a water-soluble ant-oxidant.

  • So, why not give it a try, if you haven't already?  Available in most larger grocery stores these days and local health food stores.  I just try to avoid any with added sugar.  I think it's sweet enough as is.

    Enjoy that heat, get out and sweat a little!

    Tuesday, May 17, 2011

    Spring/Summer hours...

    Due to my dream of becoming a big league soccer coach, my Monday hours will temporarily change.  I'll be helping to coach 4-5 year old future stars in the TimBits League.

    From May 30th until August 1st the altered hours will now be...

    Mondays 8am - 5pm
    Tuesdays 8am - 8pm
    Wednesdays 9am - 6pm
    Thursdays 9am - 6pm
    Fridays 8am - 3pm

    ALSO... next month (June) I shall be away on holiday.  These dates will be Thursday, June 16th until Thursday, June 30th.

    So book yourself in for those highly beneficial maintenance treatments before and/or after those days!

    Thursday, April 14, 2011

    Flex Your Head!

    Spring weather, proper, seems to be gradually settling in.  Finally!  With that we are starting to see people getting active outside again.  Walking, running, playing... and getting some of that natural vitamin D (bonus!).
    Did you know that exercise not only benefits your heart, lungs, muscles and mental well being but also your brain?!  It's true.

    I've recently come across research showing the multiple benefits exercise has on the health and the functioning of our brains.  Even by merely taking a walk to enjoy these spring-like days, we are also  effectively bringing more oxygen and glucose to our brains.  An increase in blood flow to our brains enhances energy production and waste removal.  Cerebral blood vessels have been shown to grow in response to exercise.
    In the elderly studies have shown a 20 minute walk improves memory, concentration, learning and abstract reasoning ability.  (And cut risk of stroke by up to 57%)
    The University of California studied 6,000 women over 8 years and found those who were in the "higher energy group" in regards to exercise, saw much less cognitive decline (a protective effect as much as 40%) as the women aged.
    Other recent research is showing that no matter what your age, getting that heart pumping with exercise also helps bring an older brain "back to life".  New synapses are made, brain function and protection are increased and you do your body a world of good.  Head to toe!

    Remember to check with your family doctor before undertaking any new exercise program.  AND while you're at it, book a massage to help keep it all moving (and recovering) well.


    Wednesday, March 23, 2011


    I'm currently reading "The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine" by Maoshing Ni, Ph.D.  It is labelled as "the essential text of Chinese Health and Healing".  In it, there is an interesting bit of  information on how to care for yourself during the various seasons.  It begins with spring, so I figured I'd share little bits of it.  Interesting ideas.

    Spring - broken into three months, this season brings about "the revitalization of all things in nature" when "heaven and earth are reborn".  The book advises to wake up early and go walking in order to take in the "fresh, invigorating energy" available at this time.  It's all about rejuvenation and trying to be open to this both physically and emotionally.
    The book also recommends frequent exercise, lots of stretching and wearing loose fitting clothing.  Also recommended for this season is to develop equanimity, emotionally.  Apparently this is the season of the liver and indulging in emotions such as anger, depression, etc. can later injure the liver.

    Maybe I'll stop there and move on to summer when we get closer to that season. 
    (And judging by the snowfall outside today, it can't come soon enough!)

    Monday, February 28, 2011

    I'd buy that!

    If you're on the mailing list (and if you're not, why not?!), you'll be receiving information shortly.  Very useful information.

    Stay tuned!

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    What is in that stuff anyway?

    Have you ever wondered what is in the lotion I use at the clinic? 

    Well, what I've chosen to use is the most hypo-allergenic and natural gel available.  It also happens to be produced locally.

    What it doesn't have are parabens, nut oils, alcohol, mineral oil or added scents.  All ingredients which can potentially cause issues!

    What it does have are seed and fruit oils.  Good for all of us involved.

    And now you know!

    * By the way, if you do have a specific preference for an oil, lotion, gel, let me know.  You can either bring in your favorite or I'll look into stocking it here as well.

    Tuesday, February 8, 2011

    Love is in the air...

    It's February... you know what that means.  THAT day.  Any gift ideas?  Yup, a massage is always a great  (and thoughtful) gift for someone you're fond of.  It's even good for yourself, of course!  Why not treat you?

    This month also finds an article in Alive magazine regarding the benefits of massage therapy.  In their article they note that "its benefits are more than just physical: it is also an effective way to alleviate depression and anxiety - and improve sleep quality."  They quote studies from such sources as Support Care Cancer (2010) where breast cancer patients who received massage treatments had "significant reductions in depression and anxious depression compare to those who received no massage therapy."  Another study on breast cancer patients reported in the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine (2009) noted "participants reported better sleep quality post-massage in addition to reduced anxiety and chemotherapy side effects, and increased quality of life."
    You can find a copy of this magazine for free at the Stone Store, downtown Guelph.  Or check out the link above!

    See you at the clinic...

    Tuesday, January 25, 2011

    For the COLD weather...

    Hot Chocolate!

    I've been going to this recipe lately, especially when the "instant" powder is out of stock at home.  I make mine a dairy-free version but you can use whatever version you have on hand...

    You need... for each serving;

    1 cup of milk (soy, rice, almond all work fine)
    1 tbsp of cocoa powder
    1 tbsp of chocolate chips (I use pure chocolate but can easily use milk chocolate, etc.)
    1 tsp vanilla extract

    and if you would like it a little extra sweet and decadent...

    1 tsp or more of maple syrup (or other sweetener like rice syrup, honey, etc.)

    What you do...

    Put all ingredients in a pot on the stove, set to a medium setting.  Mix while slowly heating milk and melting chocolate chips.  I find using a whisk is helpful especially with getting that cocoa powder mixed in.

    Once heated and melted, pour into mug(s) and top as you'd like with marshmallows, whipped cream, chocolate shavings... whatever you like.

    A nice way to warm up on these cold days and nights!

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    Keeping active! Winter fun.

    It's seems so much easier keeping active in the warmer months.  Even taking those evening walks on a warm summer eve is decent activity.  So what do you do when the temperature is -20C and the snow is blowing sideways outside?  Hardly tempting to go for that stroll, short of wearing some type of winter survival gear.

    Well, if you ski or snowboard, that's great.  Skating in an indoor arena is a possibility as well.  And it saves you from the elements.  But what to do if "winter" activities aren't for you?

    I've been warming up in the mornings with some Moksha yoga before hitting the clinic lately.  The studio I've been going to downtown currently has worthwhile specials going on.  Perhaps it's a good idea to check out a yoga studio close to you.  Help de-stress, stretch and keep in shape!  A gym is also a popular idea for those indoor winter workouts.  If you're new to the gym experience, a personal trainer may be a good idea.  They can help design a workout routine to fit your needs.

    Whatever the activity, I believe the benefits are plenty.  You avoid that "extra baggage" which is so easy to gain over the winter months, it helps your mood, helps de-stress and keeps you ready for those warm weather activities.... not too far off, I hope!

    Friday, January 14, 2011

    Effective Monday, Jan. 17th... new hours!

    Beginning next week I will have even more extended availability at the clinic.

    The hours will now be:

    Mondays 8am - 6pm
    Tuesdays 8am - 8pm*
    Wednesdays 9am - 6pm
    Thursdays 9am - 6pm
    Fridays 8am - 3pm*

    * indicates NEW hours.

    The regular clinic hours still remain Monday through Thursday 9am - 6pm and Friday 9am - 1pm.

    Thursday, January 13, 2011

    For starters!

    Hello and welcome to the blog.

    This will be a space to compliment the newsletter (are you signed up?) "Hands On Health".  So, within you will find the latest news on clinic happenings, health news and maybe something completely unrelated every now and then.

    Thanks for stopping by and watch for future updates!